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Reference FCO 82/177
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Internal situation of United States and changes in Republican administration following victory of Richard Nixon in 1972 Presidential Election (1972)
Description Includes full text of President Nixon's State of the Union Message. The main news in the speech was the President's announcement that he would increase defence spending and emphasised on the lines of the Nixon Doctrine that the US must continue to maintain and strengthen her defences. There was also a proposal to Congress of a new programme of Federal partnership in technological research and development. In domestic matters the President urged Congress to pass the reform of the welfare system, Federal Revenue sharing with the States, Government reorganisation and better health care. He also promised a federally supported research and development programme for social and industrial purposes including mass transit.
Date 1972
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries United States
Places Africa; Alaska; Asia; Brazil; Canada; China; Eastern Europe; Europe; Geneva; Germany; Japan; Middle East; Poland; South East Asia; South Vietnam; Soviet Union; United Kingdom; United States of America; Vietnam
People Armstrong, Willis; Ash, Roy; Bowie, Robert; Brezhnev, Leonid; Bruce, David K; Bush, George H W; Butz, Earl L; Campbell, Dick; Connally, John B; Cromer, 3rd Earl of; Douglas-Home, Sir Alec; Ehrlichman, John D; Elliott, Anthony; Finch, Robert H; Flanigan, Peter; Gray, L Patrick III; Greenhill, Sir Denis; Haldeman, H R; Hillenbrand, Martin J; Hodgson, James D; Kissinger, Henry; Kleindienst, Richard G; Kraft, Joseph; Laird, Melvin R; Mills, Wilbur; Mitchell, John; Nixon, Richard M; Peterson, Peter George; Richardson, Elliot; Rockefeller, Nelson; Rodman, Peter; Rumsfeld, Donald; Rush, Kenneth; Shultz, George; Stans, Maurice; Train, Russell; Wallace, George; Weinberger, Caspar W; Winston Lord
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Arab; Arms; Atomic Energy Commission; Balance of Payments; British Embassy; Civil rights; Communist; Congress; Conservation; Council on Environmental Quality; Council on International Economic Policy; Crime; Defence; Democratic Party; Department of Defense; Department of State; Desegregation; Detente; Draft; Drugs; Economic policy; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; Environment; Exports; Expropriation; foreign policy; Gold Bill; Great Powers; Gubernatorial; Health; Inflation; International Economic Policy; International Economic Relations; Law and Order; Lockheed; Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR); Narcotics; Nixon Doctrine; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Office of Management and Budget; Oil; organisation; Payments; Pentagon; Pollution; Price controls; Race; Recession; Silent majority; Special Representative of Trade Negotiations; State Department; State of the Union Message; Strikes; Supreme Court; Taxes; The Nine; Trade; Trade policy; Treasury; troops; Unemployment; United Nations; Vice President; Vietnam War; Vietnamization; Voting age; Welfare; White House; withdrawal
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